Let's be honest; by the time most people get to a negative $ in their business, the LAST thing they are considering is investing more money. And 'if' by some chance they do, it is not into coaching.
When someone is deep into the negative in their business, they are looking for a quick fix and have lost any connection to the original vision.
This is why I love this story so much.
It is about heart, connection, worthiness...PLUS the top three tangible ingredients needed to achieve 6+++ figures in your business. (Broken down in our WELLthy Entrepreneur FREE Masterclass)
This story is about YOU if you are not at the level of success you envisioned for yourself by this point. SO KEEP READING.
It was June 2021 when I received a message, "I think I need your help. Can we set a meeting". I didn't know his background didn't know his business, but I asked the same questions I always do before I agree to work with someone.
a.) What are the challenges you are experiencing in your business
b.) What does success look like for you when these are turned around?
He answered; I invited us to work together; he said YES, made the investment, and we got to work.
INGREDIENT 1.) Clarity on the vision. 100% of the people I work with don't know the BIG problem they solve for the market. And even more shocking than that, they don't have clear growth milestones within their business. If clarity doesn't exist, neither does business growth or longevity
INGREDIENT 2.) A results-based program/offer that solves the big problem. When making offers, most coaches avoid being too specific about who they help and instead offer a long list of ego-driven deliverables, not results-driven. If you want to be the MICRO-CELEBRITY of your industry, you need to be the expert at solving ONE BIG PROBLEM. 👈🏼 And lucky for him, Developing these programs is my expertise.
INGREDIENT 3.) A pricing model that sells a result, NOT your time. I have repeatedly heard that "I can't raise my price" I am maxed out based on my industry. True if you are selling yourself, meaning your time. NOT TRUE if you are selling a result. People will PAY for success. When ingredients 1 and 2 are mastered, asking people to invest absolutely any $ amount is easy. BONUS: it is 100% scaleable.
Jump ahead; seven months later, my client and his wife have left their full-time careers, are in a current run rate to achieve $500k this year, and we have developed the plan for their first million-dollar year. 2024 Watch Out!
So now I ask you...
"What challenges are you experiencing in your business?"
"What would success look like if you were to turn that around?"
If you are READY to answer these questions? APPLY HERE
Allison Seller / Eddie Parinas
Personal | Professional Coach
Business Leadership Coach
Client Testimonials
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